Centurion was ok, not a great film, not a bad film, maybe not even an average film! It had some kick ass action, fantastic locations, story wise it worked well because it was a straight forward ‘hiding from the enemy, fighting to survive’ fare, and it had some very good acting, led by Michael Fassbender. On the flipside, the characters were only ok: all in dire need of being more fleshed out allowing us to associate with them as people rather than expendable Roman soldiers. But the films greatest flaw was its lack of a definitive good side. I really didn’t know who was good and who was bad, the oppressors or the oppressed. Convention would usually be that the Oppressed are the Victims, the Oppressors are the baddies. But centurion does not play it this was round. As for the films take on this, it’s quite clear who the good guys are, who we meant to be routing for, it’s just why would you want to?